A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Worshipping the King!

for those who wonder what I wear to swim....you won't ever catch me in anything less even in America ;) Well, unless as Wendy C knows...if you sneak to my private back yard in the summer when I get my 1 hr of silence from the kids....on with the fun!

What a wonderful time coming together to worship! Ethiopians, Scots and Sudanese lead the music......we sat with Americans, Swiss and S Koreans to sing His praises! The interesting thing tonight at church was the cat that walked under the plastic yard furniture and disturbed a lot of ladies w/ bare "calves" HA HA HA HA HA!

Here's a few interesting photos. First off, is the "drinking fountains" these are placed all over the city - for use by police/military. For those who may not know, Egypt is a "military state." So police, whatnot, guard every few hundred feet with ready machine guns. Just today, one stopped me from taking a photo.....I finaly caught a DELIVERY vehicle for MCDONALD'S stopped..wanted to show you..but alas, it was outside a gov't building ;) oopsie! The police are very gracious to me, but I always comply w/ a smile and an apology :-)

and a couple cute shots from the sports club. Joshua used his bit of Arabic and asked to join 3 boys....but when they saw Joshua's official ball, they quickly got rid of theirs and "went to town" playing together :-) I am so glad for the Arabic I've learned and continue to learn, it has gone a LONG way! by they way, the soccer fields were full as today is the "weekend"...so they're on a rollerhockey field - nice rubbery aaaah! :-) Rob and I played catch w/ ball and glove for a good 30 min before running in my skirt got overly annoying! HA!


Heather said...

water fountain...ick ick ick ;) Gave me the willies LOL!

Ohhh Joshua making some friends...LOVE IT!!!!!! :)

Tami said...

Wendy the smiles on the kids faces are wonderful they really seem to be settling in. Glad you are getting some family time in.:)

heather W. said...

That's great that Joshua was able to find some boys to play soccer with! Looks like a very nice place to be able to go to get out of you house for a while! The warmth and sunshine and pool look amazing! Can't wait for warmer days here! =)

Lori said...

Wonderful pictures...just love the idea of sailing on the Nile and YOU DID IT!! "Totally rockin' dude"! Sorry couldn't resist. :):):) So happy to see the smiles on the kids and you and Rob look great too! Take care!

Bob said...

The pictures are great thanks for sending them. This is Mom, but I have to pretend I'm Dad since I'm on his site. Keep sending the pictures. We love you guys
