A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meeting Anas - Visiting Maadi Sports Club


Rob got home around 1:15 am today - to find a card awaiting him. :-) I did think to bring a card for the occasion ;)


Today was the first day of school in Maadi! I think I did well. I mean..I think the kids did a great job ;) Many have said to me "how did you even know what to study?" Simple answer is this - I have been so involved at schools that I "sorta" know a lot of tricks and routines and topics but TRULY without the wonderful, friendly support at Excel Charter Academy, I would have a dumbfounded look on my face this morning ;) I came prepared for the three R's ;)

I bought incentive charts and small stickers. Each picked a chart for the week...and when we finish one of the four subjects without fighting, without whining, without complaining and finding a way to build one another up.....they get a sticker. So today they got 4 stickers each. Our subjects are Bible, Writing, Reading, Math. Throughout the day we do misc reading for history, etc I don't count that as part of the "cirriculum" but rather just part of God making me a good momma ;)

After one week, if the charts are full of stickers...I'll make up a "prize." If Rob is home, the prize will be 1:1 time with whichever parent they choose and go do something - maybe it's 1 hr at the club playing together, maybe it's in the pool(that's tricky, will explain later (Bah deen).

They agreed on these rules :-) Studying the Bible will incude moral character talks as well as some basic Bible history lessons.

Jasmine's personality is such, she "has" to learn too - hee hee - so she has little workbooks and she waits patiently and works well alone. She understands multi-step tasks fine, etc. She likes to sit and listen to me talk to Joshua about his work and so I think she's learning even tho she's waiting ;) She had no desire, today that is, to leave us and play quietly somewhere else.

Joshua will probably learn much better 1:1 since he struggles with mutli-step and etc. For history we've been studying Harriet Tubman, Lincoln, Underground Railroad which ties right in with courage, self-sacrifice, etc. We are also researching Nefirtiti.

Today we got to meet Anas! He is a WONDERFUL man, gracious, helpful and warm. His English is - well it's better than alot of people in America! LOL He was impressed with my dialect and helped me w/ some words today. His wife works for an embassy or something, but they are eager to have us over. He wondered if we'll eat Egyptian food and I said - only Rob will not - we all laughed!! Tho it is not joke..it seems funny! He flies airplanes, but don't give him anything "strange" to eat! ha!

Speaking of eating OH YES WE ALL ENJOYED THE RABBIT! Rob was surprised.....it was really good! Tho for the $$, there's not much meat, so it won't be a "staple" for sure!

Anas took us to the Maadi Sports Club, I didn't see any expats there, all Egyptians. Just an observation, this is never meant as an insult! We found it really very wonderful!! Rob is going to get us a 6 month membership. Their year starts in July, so we can't get a year right now. I'm baffled, but whatever! ha! I'm not so sure it's a good deal for me.......I think I am not allowed to swim.......tho when Rob is home, I know I'll be in the ladies' pool ALONE. You see, Joshua cannot be in the ladie's pool and I cannot be in a public school, but both kids can be. So...maybe I just sit fully clothed in the pool?! lol 120 degrees, don't think I won't try! LOL

They have soccer clubs there, 2 GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIANT pools - who cares if my navy blue skirt is sopping wet, no?! lol - ummmm....water polo, croquet, a gym, a nice track. The open play area is just WOW WAS IT BIG! Rob said no camera - ugh!
I won't listen to him next time...Anas said BRING CAMERA! but it was too late ;)

It is the soft rubber on the ground and MANY different play areas.

Joshua was nervous, I told him how to say "hello" with the Egyptian accent ;) sorta like "ah - low" and to smile..it took him far today :-) of course as I learn at my class in March - May, I'll be teaching them at home ;) I can bring a friend visitor to the club to swim for 3LEwhich is like 25 cents! :-) So I think we'll invite Yrene's boys sometimes :)

Anas says my dress (the way I dress) and my trying Arabic will take me far...and Rob said he has noticed that already :-) WHEW! :-) BUT MAN WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO SWIM WITH THE KIDS! :-)

So I am thinking in the summer months (you know when it's above 100) we'll do the park in the morning and school in the afternoon :-)

As time goes by, we can enroll in football (soccer), etc. This is where the wealthy Egyptians go as a family, so they go to foreign schools and learn English..Anas says by the time they're 9-10 they're quite good with English.

OH VISA! I don't read Arabic. Well I found out today our Visa's are no longer valid...and umm.....we're here illegally!

WAIT, you're thinking WAIT DON'T POST THAT! oh I can post it ;) Rob's employer worked it out for us....we're safe for now - as long as we make our 9 am appt tomorrow. THANKS BE TO GOD because Rob's employer is sending not only a car (with a/c) and a driver...but also a person who is NOT my translator no - he is my SPOKESPERSON - he will get 'er done for us!



Hey, Holly!! Guess what? Today I was listening to the music from the Ethiopian church service and could NOT help smile and pray for your family!! It's at the same church were we worship on Fri nights in English. There are many Ethiopian and Sudanese refugees in Maadi.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, FRIENDS! hope to read about your fun celebrations!

Yrene is unable to keep the kids, their baby is quite sick with bronchitis :-( perhaps we brought it even :-( I feel badly..at least this afternoon his temp is down! The doctors come TO you unless you need a hospital - interesting, eh? no overhead costs tho ;)

So I am going to bake the hunk of beef I got at the market yesterday. The man said to me

"Emreekaya say teenduh line"

I said "tender loin?"

he said "eye ooh wuh"

So I think it's a tenderloin? BUT IT'S 6 LBS! he sliced it right off, they don't make it smaller ;) I will freeze part of it ;)

Emreekaya means "American female" basically is direct translation.

Oh, Anas says he can take us on a beautiful day-long horse or camel ride - that his children (teenagers) would enjoy joining us for a family day together - we gotta talk Rob into it! HOW COOL IS THAT?! :-)

We were unable to go to the art school thing this Fri - it is full :-(

So - our first excursion (WC asked specificially) is the Pharaonic village - check out the link to the left.

Well if you read my day's adventures recounted boringly but lived out excited...I'M VERY IMPRESSED!! I promise to have pictures again soon! :)



The Dickersons said...

It seems strange that Joshua can't go into the ladies pool...you would think that the children would do everything with the mothers.

Heather said...

just love reading about the events of your day :) Enjoy your evening with Captain Rob!!


Betty said...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! wow an evening alone with Rob HOW AWESOME for you!!!!! hope you guys had fun.

So sorry the art class is full... but don't give up. To me this just seems like something you should do.

Sounds like Jasmine is doing well there... how was the transition for her?

anyway, love ya, just having a hard time keeping up with all this exciting info!!! LOL