A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

More from the Market

This is where we get fresh fruits and veggies. He didn't get the banana tree in the pic, but it's there too! :-) The kids got free nanners today while I shopped.

You've seen the wonderful giant carrots...well here's fresh strawberries picked yesterday!!! MmmmMmmmmMmmmm!!

I only threw out 5 strawberries from these 2 piles!

I braved the meat market - I got 2 chickens FRESH - thankfully they were all "dressed" out for me ;) and I got a hunk of beef. I had intended to do something w/ it for Valentine's as my Valentine will be home but he had other plans - he asked Yrene to take our kids, we're gonna eat.... ON THE NILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it's local food actuall :) either way, not being alone w/ Rob for 8 weeks THIS WILL BE A TREAT FOR TWO HOURS!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Tho I may not want to talk or listen...I may want silence! ha ha ha! since when do mommma's get what they want when they want? we get silence when we need to talk! lol and we get to listen when we need it silent! we just love and keep going :-) it IS a pleasure to have the ability to give from the Lord's heart when mine fails so often.

Some art this morning....snowflakes and paints :-)

we were reading a bit about Nefirtiti since we'll see her stuff in a couple weeks along w/ King Tut.

Tomorrow starts homeschool! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, MY AMERICAN FRIENDS!!


Char said...

Those strawberries look so divine! Ugh, how I wish we could get berries that looked like that right now here.

Angie said...

From Alyssa-
Joshua, I miss you. I wish you were at school. But I'm glad you're having a great time in Egypt. We're freezing out here - we even got a snow day this week! But I wish I could wear my shorts right now. I will pray that God will protect you.
from Alyssa...

Thanks for posting. I so enjoy keeping up with you. I know God is at work, and can't wait to hear how he moves.

Heather said...

AWESOME PICTURE JOSHUA!!!!!!!!!!! Carson thinks it's super cool ;) I'll be over later for some fresh strawberry shortcake...yummmmmm :)

Anonymous said...

So fun reading about your experiences. Just thinking how tough of a situation this could be (and I'm sure it definitely isn't easy!) but that you are making the most of it and having some GREAT experiences. What an experience of a lifetime!! How was the rabbit?? I have eaten rabbit before and it was pretty good. (I also grew up on a farm! lol
Heather W.