A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadan Notes #2

First of all, thank you for the fun and funny camaradre about the coffee! HA! Love the notes and emails :)

Second, today I returned to the African Hope Learning Center - this time, Rob got to come too and see the facility for children from ages in K - maybe 6th grade in the US? We worked VERY hard, got SUPER dirty and REALLY enjoyed meeting more staff, saying hello to our friend J and doing some work for some great kids! Here's Jasmine and Rob.

Joshua didn't go with us because....he's having OWW with his buddy Phillips, many other friends and the leader of The Blue Cobras, Jonathan who seems to be a nice young man!

Here is my friend Amy playing guitar and leading the kids this morning. SHE ROCKS!!

Here is (left to right) the new guy from Detroit, Michigan GJ; then a beloved young man whom I'm going to hate saying good bye to! His name is Tyson, he is not only the lead drummer at church, but he leads guitar when the music team is out AND he loves the Lord, he is an AMAZING leader on many levels! He is from the Sudan, pray for him and his parents! he got a full scholarship in the US and will be traveling in 24 days...he will not see his family for approximately 9 years! Next to him are other young people who came to lead this OWW and are doing a great job at it!! The red head is newly wed Mia whom my kids adore, I haven't had a chance to get to know her myself yet, but am looking forward to the opportunity! Her and her husband came maybe 1 month ago.

Now without further rambles...here's my Second Ramadan note....

During Ramadan, it is a time of what I will call "acceptable pity" - a time when I have to accept that the Egyptians as a culture will pity the homeless, the disabled, the orphans. They will pour a lot of money and food into them and even take the orphans for a day to the park. The Egyptians may use this time to "adopt" an orphan.

Raise your hand if your eyes lit up?

Adoption here is to take sponsorship of a child. Likely to spend some time during Ramadan or summer holiday together here or there, but to make sure that everyone who comes into contact knows this is an orphan and etc....

my adoptive families, please try to breathe easily here and accept it's a culture thing.....that's why I called it "acceptable pity" - pity should never be acceptable, I realize that AS AN AMERICAN! so...try to breathe - tee hee!! Just giving you a cutlural lesson with as little anger as possible! :P

anyway - the disabled are to go around and bang whatever they can 1 hr prior to the sunrise EACH day and so families will run out and pay these people and then stuff their bellies - they cannot eat after the first prayer of the day which is just prior to sunrise.

Christmas bonus - so most of Americans might hope for or even expect a bonus around Christmastime...well here it's just prior to Ramadan. Ramadan begins tomorrow, so yesterday and today were the day to give a financial bonus to anyone who works for you. I learned how to say have a healthy year (this is the beginning of the Islamic year)...and am using it well! Also during Ramadan, it is appropriate to pay double to people who iron, clean, do dry cleaning, drive you in a taxi IF you feel they did a good job. Good thing the dry cleaning is coming back today before Ramadan! HA ! JUST KIDDING! it only costs me $5 US to have Rob's suits done :)

You must give before or the last day - giving the "bonus" (thinking American here) during..it's seen as an act of pity which is very rude for any working person.

koll senna wa enta Taweb

basically it literally means all year with you health :)

but it is saying health to you all year :)

Depending on how well the workers do in the building (we have 4) depends on if we give them the same amount as today...or less...but never more. So we give again on the last day....and they can aim to receive that amount again.

Everytime I get groceries delivered, I will pay double if it's to my liking...anytime I use Ieman (like today we tipped tripled), I will pay double.

I don't mind actually, we want to give to the working people and because there is NO system set up to help widows, handicapped or elderly, we LOVE an excuse to give abundantly right now w/o offending anyone! WOO HOO!

Thanks for looking and reading!

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