A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Trip to the Dentist

first, THANKS to Rob.....he got this picture onto the chip for me, so you can see Amy's birthday pizza pie! and her gorgeous smile!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMY!!!

Today, we walked down this alley, then up the stairwell beside Jasmine, at the top was a nice little office!

Clean, air conditioned and wonderful! Dr. M. S was educated in Germany. He is very gentle, he does all his own work, there is no hygenist position here, just 2 lovely assistants. Joshua really liked getting to rinse and spit! ha! In the US, we rinse and they slurp it out..here we get to rinse and spit.

Joshua went first.....

then Jasmine...

they saved the best for last - ME! ha ha ha!
Joshua took this pic of us almost home from our galvanting today....he wanted you to see the sweat puddles - eeeeeeeeeeeeew! I think the glazing of sweat is obvious...and my eyes give away how exhausted I am after walking in heat like this....but I hope you can see the sparkle of joy and laughter!

Joshua told me today he either wants to know all about plants like Waleed or he wants to be a dentist like Dr. Mahmoud - tee hee! cutie!

Afterwards, we walked to the barber. Remember the rug guys? Alli told me about a guy he knows who speaks very good English and cuts hair....so we tried it out a few weeks ago, liked it, Rob tried him, was very happy. he's more expensive BUT I do like that we can communicate and he can engage Joshua easily too! Here is Joshua and Mido after the hair-do (sorry, couldn't help myself but be corney)

his place is on the 2nd floor of the darker building, just showin ya where we was. Henceforth, I must teach grammar, so I figured I'd toss in a bit of superior snazzy mistake. (on purpose, of course other times they're just..negligence on my part)


Kim Stayton said...

Wendy - your eyes may look tired from the heat, but your face glows a true happiness! That is awesome!

Wendy said...

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! "Rinse and SPIT" Jacob would LOVE that too!!! Joshua is really looking so much older to me. Wow! Very handsome I might add! ;) Happy that you have found a good dentist. Yay!

Yes, you have a sparkle for sure! You are AMAZING!!

Love ya!