A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

One Wild Week

This week our church has One Wild Week going down. Not only did the construction crew just complete the new youth level of the church we use (just one level of the church, then the adults are under the canopies you've seen in pics/video recently)....but they are having Go Fish as their lead music - woo hoo!! Well, not in real life - just some fun young adults lip syncing - then every afternoon they'll picnic together and go on field trips!! I took some photos this morning. Jasmine and I are on breakfast duty - we put breakfast together for the dayworkers by 8:00 am, then we guide families and lost children, then we clean up from the breakfast. Looks like we'll be home around 10:30 every day..but Joshua's gone until 4 every day this week.

So here's a couple of photos!

My Egyptian Friend, najwa is standing to the left in this photo. (I go for a hug every day - love this young woman! It's a shame no one has scooper her heart yet!)This is 1 of the 4 teams. Caleb, Amy's son is on the orange team photoed here. I can see him, but w/ all the similar shirts, it's useless to tell you where he's at! ha!

My Michigander friend Jenna whom we love to have for supper and help her with cutting projects, is standing to the Right. Joshua and his buddy that we play with A LOT is sitting on his left, our right. Phillips is from Nigeria, fluent in English, Nigerian and knows more French than I know Arabic :) These boys are Trouble.....in all the great ways that make mommas step back and smile! (and some that make us pull our hair out) They love the Lord and they love to laugh!

Lastly, I forgot to show you the light I found for the little nook in the entryway. Rob found electrical tape - he was going to wire it w/ duct tape - but he used electrical tape! There were no plastic caps involved....but at least we're using electrical tape! HA HA HA!! Some of you may recall that he has done electrical work ehre with duct tape only........

1 comment:

Stephanie P said...

I love the lamp! GO ROB! Do you get to bring that home with you or do you have to leave it at the apt.?
Sounds like your "One Wild Week" is a little like VBS only better, or different...sounds great!
How cool to be intoduced to so many different cultures!