A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Monday, August 9, 2010

For all you Coffee - Lovers

This morning, my friend Amy from church asked me if I blogged about my coffee experience yesterday. I said very flatly without emotion "umm..no...." and she was laughing and said "this is something to blog about especially because it doesn't bother you!"

So we chatted a bit about it and laughed together as usual :) She's such a great person! I am so blessed just to be around her! So..this is for Amy!

Yesterday for OWW (One Wild Week), I was given multiple meager tasks behind the scenes (just my style).....

one was a bag of coffee beans alongside a grinder.

Like "duh" what do I do with this? So thru giggles she tells me to pour the beans in and press the button. Oh, ok! :)

So then I get to the kitchen and it's an AMERICAN coffee grinder.......not only do I need a power converter but I need a transformer! There's not one in sight......

Soooooooooooooo................a man in the office recommends just using regular coffee grounds, tells me the propotion, etc.....

Well I grab the Nescafe found in the cupboard and set to work.

About 15 min later, Amy comes by and says...Wendy, what the HECK happened to the coffee? And she's giggling, she's not outright mad or anything...

and I told her about the power converter issue.....oh drat she says...then I tell her about the instructions from Dave...then I tell her about finding Nescafe in the cupboard..

this is where I emotionally lost my friend....into a fit of laughter...which still rages on today! After a few moments...I realized that the reason it looked like green tea gone weak......is because Nescafe is instant coffee which, apparently, you never run thru a coffee filter.

I just feel badly I didn't have coffee ready w/ the breakfast for the day workers! But it's no skin off my back since no one's going to hang me out to dry...but still today, Amy can barely look at me and drink her coffee from the cafe' .....

and then to think, I don't find this funny!

But...you coffee lovers just might ;)

Yesterday, Joshua saw cobra's dancing to a pipe as well as got to hold camelions and a big yellow...constrictor or python, I forgot now.

Today he is going to a science museum of sorts, dedicated to the First Lady here in Egypt. I am enjoying a slower pace this week even if it IS early morning rush.

Thanks for giggling with me - hope no one is mad ;) HA! Tho today I did supply cold juice for the non-legal-drug-addicts ;)

HA! You legal-drug addicts....laugh it up!

Perhaps, if someone invited me over for bacon here and I looked forward to it, only to arrive and find out it's Egyptian Bacon - which is thinly sliced beef fried up.....I might laugh at the difference in experiences....but bacon, of course, is a serious subject! Coffee is not ;)


Kim Stayton said...

Wendy - if it helps I would be right there with you. No one in my house drinks coffee. So, when we moved into this house my sister-in-laws purchased me a coffee maker so they would have to run to 7-11 everytime they come over. However, now I have to have someone else make and/or use this machine that sits on the counter in my house, because I am sure I wouldn't put in the right amount:)

Stephanie P said...

I agree-Coffee is not a problem. For me it would be the bread served. If someone says we will be having Ciabotta or Tuscan bread and then serves Wonder...they are in trouble. ;)

Unknown said...

As a legal drug addict (caffiene is my best friend in the morning) I really appreciated the humor of this story. Please contact Tami W as soon as you can we have a surprise we are trying to set up for you.

Cyndy S
Prayers & Squares Chapter 311

Char said...

Oh Wendy! I'm having a hard time keeping my giggles inside as I read this. :)

Betty said...

OH this is just TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!

I LOVE coffee but find this hysterical!! Oh you wouldn't find me drinking the yuck you made girlfriend!! But the fact that you never relaized it cracks me up.

And I suppose you won't be rushing out anytime soon for that converter for the church kitchen huh? ;) LOL!!!!