A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some more about nuttin

Today is the 2nd time someone has very slowly said to me...





The first time, I recognized the British accent and said "ummm..no" then we all laughed....today however, the expat lady was so obviously distraught, that I said "yes, I do" to the open back window on the taxi.....

She asked me where such and such was...I explained it to her in English, then to the driver in Arabic. To which she says "oh I'm glad I found someone who's lived here a long time." I just replied "happy to help"

when in reality I was like - girlfriend...if you get stuck in the thick of it like me, you MUST find out. Everything I used w/ the driver, is what I learned "on the street" and by being "stuck" or "confused" or "lost."

This morning when I had my fresh squeezed orange juice freshly picked yesterday.....I saw 2 classmates come by - both area here with their embassy (Nigeria and Australia). They were simply flabbergasted that I could survive without a driver, a car, a school fully paid and a maid. I had a hard time not laughing at their extreme facial antics ;)

At Arabic class, we learned the word for pants - now there is no old word for this, since they didn't wear pant-leg type anything until the French came.....

the word is...


PANTALOON! A layer of old fashioned women's underwear....I had a difficult time not chuckling ;)

Perhaps it's been a bad week or something, but I was so sad to hear a woman in my class go overboard verbally about how Egypt isn't "civilized" - it was a detestable thing to listen to...and a few of us tried to level her out....but not only did she pull allo our attention..but it soon became about Islamic people then too! So not only am I unable to escape the horror of stupidity....but I'm sitting with 2 islamic women, one Egyptian Islamic teacher and suddenly I smiled and said


When she went to male bashing in general, the teacher finally got pretty harsh with her...SAD...AN ADULT FOR HEAVEN SAKES?! maybe it's the heat?

and SHE has a car, driver, maid, school tuition! HA HA HA HA HA!

We found guinea hen eggs - scrambled them up for Joshua - anyone know if these are ok if you have a chicken egg allergy? I was told duck was ok but duck is what's available in Michigan..not like I can find ostrich and guinea farms ;) We really need to try the pigeon meat here, I've heard it's wonderful!

Rob's been stuck in Italy under a cloud of ash. After 7 days, he's finally heading home today. His owner and family took trains to Rome to be S far enough to take airlines out. Some people were like...but.it's not that far S in Italy...well...you gotta think globaly....if we can't fly over the middle east or Libya...the flight path isn't quite as broad for going "around" things as it is in the US ;)

and of course N is the ash cloud. So they got a clear window from some small system that cleared the air...and a few planes made it out - the ones sitting waiting (very impatiently HA)....they're leaving from Rome soon....didn't have enough time to fuel or something ;) HAD TO LEAVE - ha!

My mom's having her surgery Thursday at 7:30 am. We appreciate your prayers!

And one more bit of nutting - what do YOU think an American looks like? Some of you know that I get white Americans saying to me "really, she's Korean? i think she looks Chinese" because they for some reason are experts...and can probably tell which people in the community are Dutch, German, Nigerian and Libyan, RIGHT?! you hear the sarcasm, right? Ok....so guess what I get here?

Where are you from?
REALLY? you don't look American!

I cannot begin to tell you how many people DEBATE if I am an American - what is it? Do I not have enough make up? Is it my dorky tennis shoes under my skirt and no sassy cool shoes? Am I too light? too dark? HILARIOUS! what is it? they don't know..just...Egyptians are constantly surprised I'm an American...but NO ONE will tell me why!! People think Rob looks American...

so maybe...they're thinking "Native Americans" ???? hmmm.....?? unsure! But today, I debated it with 2 Egyptians......no I'm not Swiss, happy you asked...that's fine..BUT STOP DEBATING IT WITH ME..I'M WALKING OFF NOW! SEE THE BACK OF MY HEAD! Give up being astonished at my birth heritage......and accept it..

AMERICAN MEANS "MELTING POT" - we don't really look or even act alike and yet we are all together......


yeesh! LOL


The Dickersons said...

I'm glad to hear that others have a difficulty distinguishing Korean, Chinese, etc. I know each has certain features that should stick out to me...but I have no idea. I'm sure if I were Asian I would be able to tell Vietnamese from Cambodian and so forth...but I haven't got a clue:)
As far as you 'looking' American...I could see them not thinking you do. Generally its clothing, hair, accessories things like that that stick out...at least in Europe. I could pick out the one American in a crowd of 1,000 no problem. For you I could see the hair, the lack of makeup, the type of dress (typically Americans wouldn't try to adhere to the dress code there---you can't tell me what I can and cannot wear) But I would bet the biggest thing is the way that you're 'trying' to do what the locals do. Most Americans (spoiled as we are) tend NOT to accept things but try to change them and do them 'my way' because it's how we do it in America. They can see you doing as they do...speaking to them as they speak...not the typical self-centered American. Just a thought. BTW--not to ruffle any feathers...but I would take it as a compliment that they think that;)

Beth said...

ROTFL about Jasmine looking Chinese. I had to bite my tongue once when somebody was questioning Kiara's Korean-ness. I REALLY wanted to say, "Well, you know, I did board a plane in Washington DC bound for Seoul, but I suppose it is entirely possible that the plane detoured to China......" Let me think.... both birth parents have Korean names, they are Korean, and she is... obviously Chinese? LOL

Praying for your mom Thursday and for you as you wait for news! ((Hugs))

Wendy said...

Mel - exactly! It's not like I *expect* people to know Jasmine is Korean, but I think I would *know* if she is or not! LIKE BETH SAID! LMBO! TRUE ENOUGH! lol

so you're fine ;) can you tell an Irish from the Dutch in GR? YOu probably think I'm Dutch cuz of my coloring - lol...not one drop in me unless my family tree is wrong ;)

anywho I REALLY APPRECIATE WHAT YOU SAID! I REALLY appreciate your insight...ah, doesn't ruffle me that you said that to me AT ALL! Love the insight!! Esp since you understand the int'l aspect ;)

And you're right - and it's probably why Europeans slowly say "Do you speak English" LOL

I now feel complimented! :-)

My friend Yrene has no Americans in any of her 3 Arabic classes! none in mine!

I'm smilin big and I'll definitely be thankful from now on THANKS!!

Stephanie P said...

So funny Wendy! I think you look Sweeedish too-it's that white skin and blond hair. I think you just forgot where you came from!
I'll be praying for your Mom.

Betty said...

Your mom is tops on my prayer priority list for Thursday girl!!! We got ya covered! ;)

I agree, most Americans do not conform to the country they are visiting very much, so they may not see you as an average American (and we know you are not :wink: lol ). In Europe Americans can be spotted because we wear sneakers. Most Europeans don't wear them just walking around the city doing what they do. They consider them to be more of a sport shoe.

Anyway, just my meezly 2 cents (lol).... glad Rob is home now!!! YAY!!!!