A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

An intermission.....

to pray.....

when you send an email, it may be short, I may not respond at all.

when you contact me thru f/b or send your own note, I might not read it for awhile.

My mom is having a very personal surgery today. Not only is part of her body being removed, but it's so personal...forever people who know her, may know her by this. Friendships will change, it's the ugly nature of life here on earth. If you know her, I'm praying for you too...that you won't let her outter shell change who she is to you or how you look at her or what you say to her..she is still a bubbly, energentic woman who loves God and will pour herself into you too because of her faith!

But....her hope remains in the Lord.

Please use this intermission to remember my parents in prayer.

For the medical team to be gentle, wise and work well as a team.

For my mom to have supernatural strength from God to recover in her heart, head and body!

for my dad to be comforted by God and have the stamina to support my mom on this journey.

praise for the friends stepping up to support them both, give them mercy to extend to my parents.

That no cancer cells would get lose and attach to in her body.

that the chemo would make it's final departure - it has effected her muscles - that this would now end.

That we who love her and still need her here so desperately on earth...would remember...even when the darkness closes in....


the our eyes and hearts would remain steadfast to the King...and remember He loves her more than we do...even all together...and tho we hurt for their hurts....that we'd be comforted to know His love is deep, wide and neverending!

Thanks for sitting with me during this intermission......


HollyMarie said...

Praying for your mom Wendy!

Char said...

Sending nothing but happy thoughts for your mom. She's a strong woman and this too shall pass. Many hugs for both her, your dad, and you!