A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Inadequate Word Picture....

Ok so around here, there are midans, circles, roundabouts whatever you call them in your state/country....

they are everywhere!! I want to tell you a story that was just rip snortin hilarious in person..but I may be inadequate to tell it properly! I just realized I haven't put up pictures in a more than a week! oh and by the way...the time changed here today...Egyptians just well...they walk like Egyptians...they change their time different from every country on the rest of the globe...we just sprung ahead today....too bad we didn't know YESTERDAY! ok here's my story! I hope it gives you at least a chuckle ;)

There are people employed to water them and keep them healthy..they each have a hose attachment and there are 1-3 people who work to water it with a long thick white hose. I'm glad it's white, it really stands out. When you cross a midan, it's important not to trip over them since they just pull and whip the hoses around w/o looking...sorta like the way you drive...if you get hit w/ it, it's cuz YOU weren't looking....

So today....I watch a guy whipping it around to get control of it..one section is at the edge of the midan (it's roundabout in Michigan, but Midaan in Egyptian Arabic(mee Daaaaaaan soft a drug out a bit) it's at the edge of the midaan whipping maybe 5-6 feet in the air, the guy looks like he's loosing a battle to get an anaconda....when a large militar truck goes by...and drives VERY close to the midaan.....

I seriously laughed out loud!


Two men go screaming.....now there's a "clothesline" across the road as the unsuspecting fish has hooked the bait of snake meat ;) Cars are honking....driving under...driving over....a car gets hooked....now it's stopped, screaching horns, breaks...

and I'm just laughing...

the military guards want to know what's so funny..they look around and begin running....some laughing with me...

luckily the catch of the day had to stop to turn...and the military guards at THAT corner, saw what the fuss was about...and everyone got untangled...

the other funny part is how while this is going on...NO car is trying to stop and help, they're all beeping swerving, seeing, beeping more, waving hands, yelling.....


don't stop to fix the problem!! just keep yelling and swerving..and pray it doesn't snap and crack you in the head! goodness!!


wish you were here!!

Oh there's the doorbell! LOVE getting groceries delivered!! jiggity jig!


Betty said...

yup, think I got the picture!!! HILARIOUS!!!! LOL!!!!
thanks for the story... sounds like you're busy this week.... MISS YA GIRLY!!!!! hugs!!!

Heather W. said...

I love all of your stories!! Thanks for taking the time to share!!!