A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First Day....

Of preschool in Egypt (Misr) for Jasmine. Miss Nahed is standing near the entrance.

Love the shot walking to school today. :-) She goes to school from 8 - 1 pm on Sun and Mon. The ratio is 1:4. The students are all English as primary language, they are taught Egyptian Arabic on hr every day. Ages are 2 - 6 yrs.
Jasmine was THRILLED when we left, she wasn't even shy to the one assistant taking her hand to go make lady bugs! They're on the letter L this week ;) I guess we will be at home now too ;)

for Nadia (Wendy's home helper) to come CLEAN THE KITCHEN and babysit Joshua and Joshua to work INDEPENDENTLY at his schoolwork (and he did!) GOOO JOSHUA!!

Joshua said he enjoyed it and liked being able to do his work alone. He was VERY nervous and emotional this morning, for Jasmine the prospect of friends and new art projects was HUGE...Joshua had nothing to look forward to, ya know? but he enjoyed. Nadia has 3 teen boys, they even played football (remember, foot like boot..boot...boot...ready? bootball....bootball...FOOTBALL).
and the first day also of Wendy's ESL class - Egyptian as a Second Language ;)
Technically, it's Standard Arabic of Cairo. It is understood in ANY Arabic language....but the opposite is not true. This language cannot understand all other Arabic languages necessarily.

I really liked my class - I am the only American - the only person w/ only one language, so he tells me this will be harder for me than the rest...I took longer to say what I should, but he said I pronounce it better...so..maybe I'm a slower thinker, but at least there's no other dialect to get in my way like w/ 2 or 3 other languages! HA HA HA!

A few more pics....first...is a pic of the small canister for the vacuum. For under 1,000 sq ft.....that is how much dust we get in THREE WEEKS!! THREE WEEKS!!! no pets, never an open window or door..it is THAT dirty here! amazing, huh? So I go to the exterior hallway to empty it and sanitize and reuse for a couple more weeks.

Then there's the kids in the pool having fun! Thought you'd enjoy that!

**********PLEASE storm the gates of heaven!! PLEASE storm with us on your knees for God to send His angels to bring healing to my mom's heart!!! More medical tests tomorrow...PLEASE be praying!!!

**fun house update** our neighbors whom we've requested to go together to pay for THEIR trees to be removed on our property line.......one of the giant dead ones fell on our house...

el Hamdul'Allah! Thankful to God!! Because our sitter and his buddy upstairs are SAFE! and they are safe to continue living there - I'd hate to kick them out THANKS to S family for offering your home!!

Well, THANKS TO another S family!! Coming to help my dad and another neighbor - they got it mostly cleaned out...and we're waiting for specialists to make quotes (chimney, gutters, brand new centra a/c, siding, rubber roof) it's plugging along.


Shookrahn! Mahsehlehmah!

thank you! Bye Bye!



HollyMarie said...

Love the sweet pics in this post! The one of Jasmine and Joshua in the pool together is super sweet. :) Wow about the tree falling... Crazy! Though sounds like YOU knew it was only a matter of time... too bad the neighbors didn't care.

Char said...

I love all the first day of school shots. I'm sure it has to be hard for Joshua not to have anything be a first for him right now, but the fact that he's doing his homeschool work on his own is awesome!

Heather said...

once again lovin' the updates!!!!! :)