A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

French Kissing

Who thought up the idea to touch cheeks and make the kissing noise?

or is the better question...why don't we do it in America?

Whatever it is...I truly wish this European or French kissing thing....came w/ some type of warning...

like I see women all dressed in black and their hands and I know they won't return my hello even in Arabic, it's just their beliefs, I'm accepting of that....

I see girls giggling w/ their headcovers and looking at me, I know they're about to practice their English on me....

but NOTHING has yet to prepare me for the women who want to come up and do the French Kissing...you know, grab ya, touch cheeks and make kissing noises...

I think that for the most part, I handle it with grace and probably don't seem as ruffled as I am....

I'm not even exactly sure why it ruffles me?

Perhaps what's more astonishing is HOW did these Egyptians get SUCH LARGE FEET? seriously....you know you've seen statues and did anyone ever think their feet were too large? even on the women?

I'm here to tell you - Egyptians have ENORMOUS feet! Wide, fat, HUGE feet! Women, men, children....and they're generally NOT large people! I'm taller than most the people I see all day!!!! And the same build as most of them too ;)

So - what is it? I mean they're almost like they got stung by bees..is it the heat? Is it the walking w/o the "give" of lush grass all their lives? Is it the carrying heavy loads from young ages? WHAT GIVES?? or is it a genetic trait that has stuck thru the years? From fair to nubian dark skinned - all Egyptians have GIGANTIC feet! I don't generally see the feet of the extreme upper class (there is no real middle class), so perhaps it's a diet thing? I dunno!?!?

I just think someone should figure out why....AND someone should figure out HOW to tell if someone is going to "Frenchkiss" me - cuz it really knocks me off my feet everytime...I'd also like a way to get out of it before it happens!




Betty said...

so you're saying maybe I'd have an easier time getting shoes in Egypt? COOL... I'll be right over with my [wide big] shoe budget for the year...

no clue on a warning for the double kiss thing...
maybe just always expect it, and then when it DOESN'T happen you can be relieved. LOL.

hugs girl!!!! such wacky observations today!!!! ;)

Wendy said...

I'll have to say that kissing thing would ruffle me too!!

Interesting about the feet. Who would have thunk it? Not I??? Scratching head...strange!