Monday I got a driver and made a mad rush to the pyramids. I drank in the sights, sounds and smells of crossing the Nile and looking upon the small lush gardens that seem a country of their own..situated in the middle of the city with shanties and women washing laundry in the Nile and men and boys riding donkeys, working their small patches of land whie semi's, taxi's and cars rush thru their day atop the bridge over the small oasis of history.
As I approached the pyramids, I remembered the graduer of my first look. When Jasmine held onto me scared and Joshua ran off without a clue and filled with excitement and I lagged behind with jasmine...behind Anas and Rob who were talking business....and Anas turned and said "come on, Wendy, you alright?" and I was gaping in awe.....
I approached and stood in awe again...
but it only lasted a few seconds..since I was alone, 5 of the Egyptian men who give Egypt it's bad name....approached me....luckily this time, I heard them coming before I smelled them....and I took care of them before they got to me....white lady knew Arabic....responded to their remarks.....oopsie! Oh the shame they felt..and warned others to stay away!
I had some help from Egyptian family - to get myself a good camel ride and driver even! Bless their hearts!! I tried to take a photograph of everything I saw....
Joshua's asthma is flaring, so I didn't keep him out of school to join me in the desert. He left already this seemed like madness! Monday madness! I decided to pack the last bag and send it with Rob. I came with 2 kids, 8 carry-ons, 11 suitcases...I decided THIS MORNING at 5:55, that Rob could return with 1 kid, 4 carry-ons and 9 bags! LOLOLOL! So it was Monday madness getting the last of it in.
There's not much left in here...that's tangible, that is.....the rooms are packed from floor to ceiling, wall to wall and the leaky windows are seeping with memories. Memories of first days of fear, uncertainty and PRAYER. Memories of first weeks of rollercoaster emotions when dealing with how to get food, how to homeschool, where to find drinking/cooking water easily and how to manuver in a taxi and walk the streets! Memories of how the kids and I worked through it with prayer, an amazing time of bonding between the three of us..memories of friends coming for a cuppa (meaning to have tea together) and for tea (meaning meals together)...memories of so much laughter, so much growth thru frustration and tolerance....memories.
Drinking in Egypt's a glimpse of a few more of my memories....
In Arabic, it says mSr which is "Egypt"
These little taxi-type cars are called "tawk-tawk"
Cannot get enough "delivery" photos! lol
I'd been wanting to get drinks from one of these little street the driver made it happen! When we were done, I put our glass mugs on the top and he collected them along with 7 LE. MMM fresh mango with orange juice (mixed). Now THAT is going local!
I finally got the local egg delivery guy on camera! COOL!
The Citadel at night - Mohamed Ali Mosque - way cool sunset last night!
Had to show proof of my love for Sam! As he jumped onto my lap when I returned last night!
I'm so glad that you went for yourself to drink in the last memories of your visit there. While I'm sure I cannot truly see the sentiment you have for each one of these pictures, I can feel it. I hope your last days there are filled with just as much serenity. Safe travels!
Oh Wendy, my heart is aching for you. :( It brings back memories when we left Portugal suddenly due to visas to stay being denied. Praying for you!
Quiet moments (minus the men-too funny) at the pyraminds. Yummy juice. I hope you were able to fix some memories (sights, smells and sounds) for good. Love you top by the way : )
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