A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

6" high flames!

I'm so glad you like the "real" me - not the "oh lets make this sound professional" me! I want these posts to be "real" and to feel connected :-)

Today was the last day of school- it *is* truly getting more of a routine and such for both kids and I am not in competition w/ his wonderful teachers from Michigan anymore for the way things "should" be - ha ha! I really never felt intimidated or jealous, it was cute ;) but it was a barrier hard to get thru with my boy! :-)

Rob found out the hard way why I don't shop at this bigger grocery store that's aimed at Europeans and Americans....when the meat I opened was PURPLE not from food colorings but actually from NASTY DYES THAT...smell like cleaning chemicals and....

guess what?


oh yes, I was making hamburger patties......and in the past, I have had flames shoot up an inch or so and die down.......you know, most of us have those bad cooking days, right? OK MAKE ME FEEL BETTER! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?! yes..good..ok..moving on...

I walked into the kitchen and low and behold..the pot with some noodles in it is as high as my palm to almost the tip of my middle finger...


I ran and ducked, seemed to cross the tiny room in one long stretch, turned the heat off and watched it die down


The burger is deep purple, I think Crayola might call it...Jazzyberry Jam (consult Wikipedia for a description if you must) and the spaghetti w/ meat is a strange combo reminding me of summer days making crayon art in the skillet w/ the kids...

I told the family - A. never get meat there again, we'll go vegetarian or even hungry first! B. One night won't have any ill long-term affects


yesterday I decided I could come up with a "you know you're an Egyptian and not an expat anymore when...."

list..you know like "you know you're an 80's child when like you say like alot" or "you know you're from Michigan when you know that snot freezes"

so here's the start to my list..


you announce casually and nonchallantly "hey, no water, no flushing and if you have to poop, you tell me and we'll plan accordingly" - you say this as if you're telling your kids - hey, there's a cool bird outside, check it out when you get time...as if it's just a natural routine in the day no more annoyance or panic

you nonchallantly add in safety rules before a walk like....
don't eyeball the wild dogs, don't pick up rocks cuz you know it's likely poop, and remember to heed my speed warnings.

because you see..sometimes we "march" with traffic between cars...and sometimes we run for it and sometimes we stop on a dime......

off to a little corner of America - a patch of grass near the American embassy, German beer, BBQ pork ribs, while watching Mary Poppins on a sheet outside w/ new friends!!! :-)

Mahsehlehmah wi Salaam!

Good bye, good night and God's peace to you all!


Char said...

I only like real people.....so I am super glad that your posts come from the heart and are about the crazy, the fun, the frustrating, the interesting, and most importantly about you and your wonderful family.

Keep posting, I love reading them. It's become a part of my weekly ritual to read how things are going. Many hugs from across the miles!

Heather said...

you KNOW how much I love reading your posts and hound you for more ;) Enjoy your evening :)

Lindsey said...

Sounds "Practically Perfect In Every Way." The corner of green grass and bbq pork ribs.

Mary Poppins is one of our all time favs! Love hearing your heart come thru!

Betty said...

The purple meat thing is just making me so queezy, and you KNOW I don't queeze easily. EW. lol

But seriously, the patch of USA sounds nice... hope you had a great time with new friends! and LOVE your list too... I can just picture you now LOL!!!

God's peace to you too!!!!