A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hawwa Qawaya!!!

A strong wind!!

So we've learned that December is the BIGGEST pollution problem month here, it tends to be a bit more damp so it holds the pollution low....

at 3 am, it sounded like the building was going to fall down, I got so excited that a sand storm went thru....BYE BYE LOW HANGING POLLUTION CLOUD!!!

Why is that extra thrilling today? TODAY WAS SOCCER TOURNAMENT DAY!! Joshua's been cooped up inside WAY too much the last 2 weeks.....at 6 am....it smelled as fresh as Cairo (lmbo) so we knew we were ok to go!!

We played four games........

60 degrees made the kids whine (lol)

60 made me feel all cozy in my lovely wrap I've been dying to wear!!

Game 1 - tied zip zip (sefr/sefr)

Game 2 - tied 1:1

Time between games spent playing
For all of you wondering if Jasmine is still tiny..I caught a quick one of her and her pal Carmen. Carmen turned 3 in September. Yup, Jasmine is still my tiny little peanut!! and always the butterfly princess!

Game 3 - lost 3:2 BUT JOSHUA SCORED THE FIRST GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIS FIRST GOAL EVER! AND THE FIRST GOAL OF THE GAME! WOOOO HOOO!!!!!!! WAY TO GO BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'VE LEARNED A LOT THIS FIRST SEASON OF SOCCER!!!

Game 4 - won 3:1

SO thankful for the GREAT attitudes of the players ALL of them! And the parents!!!! ALL of them! and GREAT enthusiastic, encouraging coaches!!!!!!


jiggity jig - loved ending the season w/ my son showboating w/ his friends after his goal!! WOO HOO! GREAT JOB!!! I think he was as surprised as the "expert" players who typically score (lol).

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On our way home, another sandstorm kicked up (yuck! not happy about that one!!)
we stopped for 5 min to talk to a friend who we won against in the last game....good thing we did.....wind came, down went the tree RIGHT where we walk on the sidewalk/enter the building! The guy had just washed the cars and walked off when KABAM!!!!!!! OH NO! praise God Mohamed is OK tho! Took plenty of pics for ya......

this is what we walked up to....

below is Mohamed who cleans the buildings, beside him is my neighbor (mother owns the building) and under the tree is now only the sidewalk...but her car.......)

of course I took photos from my bedroom window and prayed the whole time for safety - who thought I wouldn't watch??

above - a closer look at Mohamed - lovely young man! At one point, he was on top of the car holding the weight of the tree so it wouldn't crush the car anymore - the level of honor to serve is outstanding! 3 men from the community rushed over. At one point a white woman from church tried to help clear stuff away - MY WORD! SHE MUST BE NEW TO THE COMMUNITY?! She was asked to leave very politely.....what a dishonor to the men.....eek! learn the society people ;)

Below - Sa3iid our day boab (sigh-eed is sorta close to how you say it)

another woman from church taking a photo

Look! Pastor Sunday!! Hi Pastor! He's from the Sudan.

Hey, it's the guy who comes to read my meter..sorry, I'm busy watching, I'm not going to come to the door today..please come back another day! Funny story about this guy...he came once during my Arabic class so Rob (who NEVER goes to the door) went to the door.....you see where this is going right? I heard a pause......he said "madam please" and Rob said "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENDY" and my teacher Mohamed said "giggle giggle"

amamzing! the inside of the tree is RED! why? really seemed stunning to me!!
One other reason I wish Mohamed had a pr of shoes.....

Why you should NEVER use a chainsaw while wearing a dress and flip flops....this is NOT OSHA approved, is it???


SERIOUSLY?!!!! YOU COULDN'T GO AROUND ONE BLOCK? the guys were shoeing here and one even put his hand onthe stroller, she just got more determined to go thru! OK....if you're stupid enough to walk thru men cutting down trees in dresses...I guess you can figure on your own how to get emergency medical attention IN A COUNTRY WHERE THERE IS NO EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE!

hope you enjoyed our adventurous day ;)



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