A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Body Language....

in any country, when someone is nodding too quickly but it's not a story to show agreement..you know they're hurrying you along and tired of the topic

you know what scowling means when the eyes are glazed over
(RUN!) lol

and in most Arab countries (this one excluded) you should not give a thumbs up

So yesterday when my mom and I blissfully (remember, ignorance is bliss) were thinking we'd sleep in, the kids would watch movies and we'd simply be as lazy as possible......imagine when the doorbell kept ringing and ringing - of course we assumed emergency....

I did grab my robe, my hair all awry, my eyes not adjusted...and bolted thru the apartment to the door.....

I opened the door and found a man whose facial expressions and body language quickly went from one extreme to the other...

happy to see me cuz he knows us and knows I speak Arabic
shocked at my appearance (likely my scowling "eyes aren't working yet" face and freaky hair do and robe)

back and forth he went as he spoke a long detailed story.....in Arabic....

now imagine my response...in my head I'm thinking


When he's done speaking..or at least taking a pause..my response is to look perplexed...give him the "Egyptian" hand signal for just a moment please, then I shut the door in his face


I called Rob's co-worker Anas who laughed his head off then called the other guy...I'm still unsure if that guy waited out there for some time or not....I assume he walked away, I didn't ever hear his phone ringing!


Whatever it was, he figured out by my body language, I wasn't going to speak with him....don't ya think?


I may dream in Arabic sometimes
(like I'm in the produce department of Meijer asking questions in Arabic and no one understands me...recently had one at the deli where my friend T.S. was actually translating to English for me)

but I **cannot** speak Arabic when first out of bed.....apparently?!

How does he know us? How did Anas know who to call?

- it is a driver for Rob's company...he arrived an hr early to pick up Rob, when he didn't come down..the driver came up - since Rob doesn't speak Arabic, the driver knew he couldn't call first! I'm quite sure he'll call first now irregardless! LOLOL


Char said...

Oh Wendy, how I love reading your blog. I can only imagine how you looked to this poor man. Giggles :)

Wendy said...

OH MY!!! Too funny girl!! rotflmbo!!! :D