A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

GO Houston Dynamos!!!!

Yesterday was Joshua's first soccer game ever! Well, he's seen the big guys play matches at the Club of course...but this was his first time playing! I just have to brag about the team..they were INCREDIBLE! Only 3 boys knew how to play (out of 10) on our team....one of them played solo and there's always one in every bunch...anywho....the rest of them actually talked to the "new kids" off and on about passing, shooting, etc...so even between the coaches instructions! I'm here to tell you, THEY WORKED AS A TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The opposition did their best..individually.....it was sort of a slaughter.....probably now they'll work on teamwork themselves (the coach did try, but not even 2 kids figured it out, it's cute really). Joshua took instruction well and passed, controlled, etc....I was truly fascinated by the game (my first time ever watching a whole game, I must admit)

Rob ran to the top of one of the buildings and got some neat shots! Joshua is the upside-down pumpkin (orange shirt, green shoes).

Beforehand, as is tradition with baseball...Joshua remembered we needed some cool photos...here he is looking totally cool and serious as all soccer players should (ha!)

Just fun shots to share....

Of course us 3 wore our "closest thing to orange" as well - aren't these 2 of the cutest cheerleaders ever? (I'm laughing SO hard, if Rob finds out I said that about him.....HA HA HA HA HA!)

somehow in my big Giza post about our trip Friday, I missed a couple neat photos..so I'm tacking them on here. Glad you all enjoyed!! Yes, WC, I told my mom she should pinch me, it's SO unbelievable! :)

front and forward of the camel hineys, you can see a building...that is where they found Cheops' boat (khufu's boat) for the journey he took to the tomb, etc, after death. They raised it and built a building around it. Waaaaaaaaaaaay back, you've seen pics of it. We'll see it again and post a couple shots again of course.

Yes, that's my friend AL and a couple of her boys blocking the other camel hineys! ha ha! James took the cool shot of Rob and I. He couldn't find stable footing to center it alll, but I think it looks REALLY neat the way it is!!


HollyMarie said...

Way to go Joshua! Sweet photos!

The Dickersons said...

Whoo-Hoo Joshua!!! Fantastic photos!

Wendy said...


Love the shot of you and Rob...VERY cool!

The Lopers said...

Awesome Joshua!!!!

Awesome pics Wendy!!!! Wishing I was there with you!!!

Betty said...


Really cool shots that handsome boy!!

and love the camels and all!!!


Tanya said...

Davy said, "Joshua looks really fast".