A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Game Pics - Friend Vs. Friend

E and Joshua playing AGAINST each other? Will their friendship survive???? Joshua's team won 4-0!! GOOO HOUSTON DYNAMOS!!

Joshua got knocked down and his face STEPPED ON!
Right after he recovered (see the foot print on his face - YEESH HE NEEDS A HAIRCUT!)....right after he recovered, he went for a ball high in the air.....and KICKED a kid in the face! Oopsie! SO SORRY! Everyone was ok - whew!! That kid had dirt and lace marks.......

OH WHEW, LOOK BELOW! YES, E AND JOSHUA ARE STILL BUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we're off to a falooca float with our Australian friends tonight - CAN'T WAIT!!
and Joshua got his hair cut - 2 cars screetched breaks not to hit us, Joshua fell over twice into the road off his scooter, Jasmine tripped over an EXPOSED wire and I was verbally assaulted by 2 men...but after that 30 min walk in 112 degrees and humidity on top of it, WE DID GET JOSHUA'S HAIR CUT! and returned home a tad smoother.....

no worries, Mom, when you come in December (BEST NEWS THIS WEEK! MY MOMMA'S COMIN!!), we'll take taxi's a LOT! (perhaps THAT is the kids' best news! ha!)

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