A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fire?? Fire!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is a silly story.

My friend from Nigeria who spent the morning with me said these things just happen, but my husband said these things just happen to me! ha ha! We had a good laugh!

I put corn oil in a pot, threw in corn kernels to pop, put on the lid...the kids were fighting, there was some dilema..then I was called back to assist in the bathroom...when I smelled horrible smoke smell, ran to the kitchen and saw smoke billowing from my pot...

I immediately removed it w/ potholders and put it on the balcony (where the garbage goes) outside the kitchen.

The smell was horrendous! The smoke cloud lingering...the kids and I left quite quickly - a little early to meet my friend and her children - just to clear out of here!

It was so smokey in the hall and the elevator, I thought I'd better tell the doorman what happened - THIS is the funny part of this post..the purpose of my posting...this was all in Arabic, but I'm typing it in English so you can sorta understand..

Wendy - good morning, Sigh-eed, I am cooking on the stove. I did not remember it, daughter needed me.

boab - ok

Wendy - fire on the stove

boab - FIRE? FIIIIIIIIIIRE!! as he jumps up

and I scream out

Wendy - all ok now! all ok now! no fire....smell


My Sudanese friend from church came and after he quit laughing, he explained the entire thing in Arabic to the boab.

yikes....here I try to not alarm the building by explaining what happened, and I go and say I start a FIRE! I was looking for a word to explain it but instead said "fire"

so - no matter WHAT country you're in, NEVER yell fire without cause

about 3 hrs after that, my friend Amy called to harrass me about the horrible smell outside the building and in her office on the 1st floor - oopsie! lol

I seriously wonder if my doorman keeps a blog about the crazy woman who lives on the 4th floor!



Stephanie P said...

That is too funny-how fun it will be for your family to look back over this blog (when you are home again) and laugh and marvel at all your adventures!! You don't even have to cut, glue or stick one picture for this scrapbook- that's my kind of scrapping!

Betty said...

you tell a mean (um FUNNY) story girl!!!!

LOLOL!!!!! so is the stink gone? :D ;)

Siscos said...

ROFL! (You taught me that one, whether you know it or not.) I'm with Rob on this one: only you can calmly explain something and get someone else to completely misunderstand. At least you fixed it before they called the Egyptian version of 9-1-1.