So today at church, I tried to count adult heads....I surpassed 42 fair-skinned bodies (these would be voluntarily staying people) and 15 who seemed Asian of some descent (unsure voluntary or residential status) as well as about 12 refugees and then 10 misc unsure how to categorize and then 5 Egyptians.
The kids all came to service with us - we believe it's important for us to all be together right now. No teacher's pulled out, kids seeing their parents faith and others around them, etc. 1 hr and 45 min of service - only the toddlers were wrestless ;)
First, my friend Amy spoke to the kids....talking about all the changes that had taken place rapidly in the last week.....parents moods being like a rollercoaster, watching too much tv, not going to school at all, eating at weird hours, changing sleeping arrangements, parents on the phone or internet excessively....but then she reminded them
GOD NEVER CHANGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and to tell God how they feel anytime, anywhere, any feeling!
Later our lead pastor spoke and I feel like continuing to I will..thanks for listening ;)
The Chinese character for "crisis" is a mixture of two words - danger and opportunity
WOW - my thought is just WOW that is SO right! and even tho you aren't here, I bet a lot of you feel a crisis recently..or will have one to come and can's danger and opportunity!
He related well to us all as he spoke of chilling speculations (man, the news media makes it seem like the entire country is at war! but it sells, so they'll continue). He spoke of constant uncertainty this week and of course tomorrow, but isn't every day anywhere really like that? I think we get comfortable and don't feel the crisis around us anywhere we may be right now!
He gave us 3 good points to claim during this crisis and any crisis.
1. Tell God how you FEEL - don't be strong and buck up, that's a false sinful pride. there's no easy answer to what's going on, don't try to make one. In Crisis, people feel shock like we will awaken from the nightmare, but we don't, it's yesterdays reality and today's forecast. At some point we'll feel different degrees of anxiety for the future, but in reality none of us know what the future holds. This should turn us to the Lord. Grief, a deep loss of sadness for the peace we lost (I faced this w/ my PTSD - I journaled a *ton* about my grieve for the loss of security in mankind) and grief over friends leaving. My entire homeschool group left last Tuesday..or I haven't found them (yet). Of course - anger. Anger is a big one! we have to be sure to tell God about it and not be ruled by it! We were reminded that we have freedom go to the Father!
Lamentations 2:19
Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.
how appropriate, as literally we do rise in the night - to walk with our neighbors or bring food or kneel and pray.....great verse to remember! won't yo utoo lament with us over Egypt?!
2. Focus on Who God IS
if we are waiting for an explanation when something bad happens, it will steal from us because most things are unknown until heaven! Even if we know why before heaven, it won't be our time table. We have to ask if we are focused on the circumstances or the Creator? focused on the resources we don't have (right now, people fear running out of food or water adn some people ARE which is one way to serve!) are we focused on resources we don't have or will run out of...or are we focused on the unlimited resources of God?
we were reminded about the angels with flaming swords protecting Elisha, other verses where King David calls out and is comforted or protected and MANY others! I know countless missionary stories...where they were made invisible or 'strangely' protected - like my pilot friend whose helicopter went into a gazillion pcs and he walked away unscathed! ANGELS FROM THE LORD FIGHTING BACK THE DARKNESS!
pray for us to not only have these angels aroudn His children in Egypt, but for us to KNOW they are here!
3. Remain in Community
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
more notes from me is that you can do this by not stopping to pray for Egypt! We continue to see unity among teh people being built up! not just within religion BUT EVEN WITHIN SOCIAL STATUS! THAT IS AS HUGE AS RELIGION HERE!
and you can pray for each other who are hurting due to your own crisis of us being here!
The Lord is amighty and strong tower (where is this, my friends? psalms?) the righteous run...and we are protected!!!!
My beloveds...please don't just know God is might..but KONW THAT HE IS AND WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT US AND USE US!! I prayed today again..and wasn't able to go feed the hungry. God IS giving wisdom. I don't know why or what happened or what I was spared from, but EVERY move, I truly am seeking guidance and trusting that answer!!
Tomorrow the banks are going to try to open. Schools are running now from 9-1. and people are taking security into their own hands at night even tho they're hungry!
THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF COMMUNITY! Now I want to share a few photos with you! Remember a few things....the police force was eliminated entirely last week due to corruption..and yet you didn't mind i walked the streets with 2-4 AK47's aimed at us.....konwing the army has defended us, do NOT fear their presence! PRAY FOR THEM TO HAVE PROTECTION AND UNITY AS WELL!!
where I stand in line for fresh bread to dispurse...or give an extra 5 to families when I overhear their plight
everyday at noon we pray and sing
the streets are barricaded in some areas in this fashion - which is one of the 4 corners around my building. Others have enough man-power to let cars thru and check id. Anyone with ANY weapon in a vehicle or not known in the community, is stopped by men with sticks and asked for ID. If they are not security or the new police or military, they bound up!
Personally, I think my initial reaction was shock mixed with anxiety at certain times. I have swung between DEEP grief for the people here and saying rushed good byes to friends I'll never see downright ANGER at so many things I'm not at liberty to share publically yet ;)
Wendy and kids
safe in God's hands!!
1 comment:
Lookin' good! Soundin' good! Safe in God's hands-wherever you are!
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