the last 1/4 of the walk up from the road - due to EXTREME increase in security measures (anyone watching the US news can rest assured, once again they are WRONG! raise your hand if you're surprised...looking...hmm...NOPE! no hands are raised ;) Since I get a lot of hits on my blog, I'm going to zip my lip on this one, but lets just say that it's the Islamic communities that are rallying for peace and waiting for their Egyptian Christian brothers and sisters to find peace from Allah and stop the nonsense! I see it and hear it....I know what is happening! Do **not** use this for Islamic-hate rational!!!!!!!!!!!! just see that there are people doing the bidding of evil forces!)
Joshua got a GREAT shot across the city of Cairo - it not only shows the variety of buildings and social structure but the smog - and this was a low smog day ;)
Mohamed Ali Mosque - the bottom portion INSIDE AND OUT is ALL allibaster - OUTSTANDING!!
anyone ever seen a more intense or handsome photographer?
typical streets of Egypt - why we have to take it slow
we **had** to stop for fresh juices - my mom and I have come to love mango with orange 50/50 - WOW faaaaaaaabulous!
had to show you how cold I got! When I finished mine, I wrapped up in my veil! my mom was laughing so hard!!
the outside entrance of another wall "overlook"
entrance to the part now made into a military museum - the military museum was originally Mohamed Ali Pasha's royal palace! OUTSTANDING! and still in good shap (1840 something)
Each ceiling unique and stunning in it's own right, but each room had "some" display of "sunrays" - this one captured my mom and I the most!
finally at the Military Museum is the outdoor display of inactive military equipment - unique to us! Most of it is Russian - not something we'd see anywhere easily!
something Yousef (Joseph in English) mosque - 2nd mosque built - still an active mosque very beautiful and unique! it was in use when we were there - hearing the guy pray in the niche, it was outstanding the way it echoed back! just BEAUTIFUL sing-songy!
next up was the view from the TOP of the Citadel walls! COOL!! (Jasmine went potty up there - we've definitely gone local - lol - right ON the wall)
Last stop - mosged suleeman basha (Suleiman Pasha)
the oldest mosque at the Citadel - his grave and headstone, along with his wife and three sons....the place is so serene, it almost causes one to lose breathe and catch your tears, my mom said it was her absolute favorite spot - I had to confess then that it was mine as well! It's a well-kept secret - the foreigners just do NOT take the long trek thru the non-touristy spots - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!! and tip the old man 5 Le for opening the crypts for you ;) Since security is high right now, he may not let you sit alone as I got to do last time!! But you can ask!
My mom was intrigued (in a mortified way lol) by the 1x4 scaffolds the men were using to climb and restore the mineret! *yikes*
Beautiful! I like the last ceiling posted the best! Is that writing or just decorative squigles in the white? Either way it's amazing.
Thanks again for sharing.
Always love it when you all go site seeing! the architecture is spectacular... LOVE the sunrays!!!
and I find the Russian tank (?) intriguing... never seen anything like it before!
Hope your mom will take some more pics too... love to see her point of view! The kids look so great Wendy! (you too of course ;) )
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