A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Local Beauty.....

Building Owner agreed to the gardener to let me have this from her garden.....she's SOO sweet..and so is he! (Waleed)

My garden balcony surprised me yesterday morning with these brilliant blooms! Today the other plant has the bud waiting to open. I am so pleased with my garden, thank you, Rob!!!!!!!!!! It has continued to be a gift that truly keeps giving!!

To be honest, my friends, when I open the window to water, it is actually a bit fresher smelling due to the plantlife right there! Amazing! Just had to show you!!


Betty said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! :D Thanks so much for letting us share your view!!!

I just love those kinds of gifts too.... good job Rob!!! WTG!!!

Wendy do you know the names of the flowers? I know for sure that the first one is a Bird of Paradise. The second I don't know, but it is GLORIOUS!!!

Enjoy the Lord's artwork!!! ;)

Wendy said...