My dad would say something from Data on Star Trek like "Normal is whatever you are not"
I would say that normal is the "acceptable" of something and "abnormal" being something unacceptable..but definitely normal strongly says to's the way something "should" be and anything else is potentially detestable.
Normal is like a measuring tool. Our experiences tell us what smell is normal, what way to cook your potatoes is normal, etc.......right? sorta?
In Egypt - normal is the word used for "regular"
Normal Coffee
Normal Coke
Normal Pepsi (wait, is anything about pepsi normal? that's for another post!)
Normal Beef Minced
Sooooooooooo...............if you have decaf, what's not normal? the person? the way you process it? It's all so....giggley to me! The people must think I'm a super looney American when I chuckle over options like "do you want the coke normal or not?"
no, I'd prefer you to just really throw me for a loop and do something REALLY abnormal with it!!! K?!'s NORMAL to have Margarita ON your pizza. Not with it...ON it....that's cheese. I haven't figured out WHERE this came's NOT an Arabic word! But the guy at the restaurant was SHOCKED that I'd have a "not normal pizza if no margarita"
I mean..they don't even SERVE alcohol WHY is it "normal" to have it ON your pizza???
Ooooooooooh it's cheese - now THAT is normal! HA HA HA! it normal in baseball to tackle the base runner? Well today....while teaching Joshua to tag a base runner...I didn't give quite enough detail...he basically punched me in the stomach with his "mit" expected it to take me down I guess..when it didn't, he tackled me. I have his dental imprint to prove it! (yes, I tried to make a muscle just to SEEM normal for such a funny photo!)
Since Islam is against adoption - not because Allah says so but because Mohammed says so - it's difficult here (not normal) for us with "face face not same." ~sigh~ So the lifeguards must have figured it out! I brought my good friends to the pool....and they all understand now! You see, my sister is Korean...our friends are Korean Americans....nope.....not my'll never grasp it ;) it's just NOT NORMAL - I'm totally ok with that! LOVE my abnormal family ;) will NOT trade it for even one single blondie ;)
It is not normal for a woman to be touched here. So when Whaleed wanted me to walk out 4 stories up onto the garden box, he said "is normal, why not come?" UMMM..CUZ IT'S LIKE CRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAZY! But then when he talks me into w/ his "dare ya to" eyes......and I need's NORMAL to let me fumble 4 stories up DON'T TOUCH ME! THAAAAAAAAAAAT WOULD NOT BE NORMAL! eye roll and chuckle
Why is the following conversation now normal to my daily routine....
door bell
man - alo, madam, meester henna? (Mr here?)
me - alo, no, lee (why?)
man - me gas, need in
man very calm - me gas, need in
me - Ana meh bef Hempsh, Asef! (I don't understand, sorry)
man reaching into a satchel and shows me a paper - PRAISE GOD I NOW READ NUMBERS!!
me - Oooh, Meshi, Emshi. Shookrahn. (OH, OK, come in, thank you)
he was there to read the gas meter! THAT HAD ME LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF FOR A GOOD HR!! They always want to know if Mr is here, they do NOT want to be in here w/ me ;) I'm glad for the lack of comfort being NORMAL - but sometimes it's baffling and stumps our communication ;) If he'd just COME IN AND SHOW ME! ha ha! Because the doormen won't let them I know if he's up's legit..ya know? ~sigh~ Plus, these men aren't anywhere near as big as some man I once took on ;)
Is it normal for this plant to come back each year? I can't even think of the English do I even ask in Arabic? When Rob says "she means, will it come back?" Whaleed says "Madam very nice, she is front of me" ~sigh~ is it normal that most English is SOOOOOO non specific? HA HA HA HA HA!
Why is it NORMAL for Egyptian men to swim in scary speedo bikini thingies w/ their guts and butts hangin out but the women barely have their face, hands and feet exposed while swimming?
Normal is the expected response right? So like we live in America...and what's normal is looking at this oxygen result and saying - ok we're holding ..steady...Joshua's safe today....only barely.....we came to accept this "normal" low state of oxygen.....and add that came with it!
Then coming to Egypt and finding THIS as a normal breathing report!! This NEVER happened in the US - definitely ABnormal ;) and I **am so glad**
Why is it NORMAL that men touching children in the US would send chills down our spines and nasty looks, with hasty pulls? But's now NORMAL for us to accept kisses on top of their heads, whistles, blowing kisses, etc.....first white guy to do that here is in for a treat from momma bear! NOW THAT SOUNDS NORMAL, wouldn't you agree?
I love that it's normal for guys to walk around the pool area with FRESH FRIED DONUT HOLES and pass them's simply abnormal that this isn't routine in the US!
What is normal? walking 10 min to the grocery store thru swerving traffic.....then walking back 1 hr later.....empty handed..and having 2 young men deliver everything so you don't lift a finger! Normal is them fighting over your delivery, since they now know you tip REALLY GOOD!! $1/per guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Normal....what is normal anyway?
Is it normal that while learning a new language, I become mentally frazzled to think clearly in EITHER language and switch back and forth? Two friends have said yes..this is normal....but..the response I get from some people tells me THEY don't find it "normal"! ha! I need to learn to say "please speak slowly" in THAT normal response to excited Egyptians who think I am fluent? whatever makes me comfortable!! My normal may not be your normal! simply an ABNORMAL word ;)
And you my dear...are ABnormal! Hahahaha!!
Wow! That oxygen reading would make me want to stay there forever!!!
Wendy you make me crack up! I think that Normal is whatever we are doing... most of the time anyway! We do have some days/moments I would classify as very Abnormal. I agree with you that Normal is simply an Abnormal word!! :)
LOLOLOL!!!! I loved this whole normal post!!!
Normal is laughing out loud at what you write, dear Wendy!!!! Thanks!!!
GREAT post! Enjoyed every word of it...and that is very normal when I'm reading your blog!
I'm SOOOO lovin' Joshua's new peak flow readings! PRAISE GOD for that new normal!
I really enjoyed this post!! Thank you for sharing!
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