A three hour tour...
of the Easern Desert. We've got so much more to see, we'll go again! Here's a glimpse of today! Being out there, we discussed how difficult for our military to do what they're doing...so many aspects, but I won't turn this into a political discussion, no worries! Just a plether of fun photos! Remember, you can click on any photo then use your browser back button to go back...and enjoy larger details! nothing downloads!
Jasmine's pretty proud of herself...she found the first fossil! The top of this giant mount we could see Maadi! do you see it? and we found THOUSANDS of nautilus shells!! Enjoy the views!
Melanie..this next one's for you!! As you had me relive the great running days on Lake Michigan's expanse of sand dunes...us girls had to have a repeat in the Eastern Desert - this is QUITE solid and unstable sand tho ;)
hope that doesn't fall on us........SURE IS BEAUTIFUL!!
a picnic lunch as us girls reached the boys. I saw the photo opportunity above the picnic photo and the boys went first to give it some "perspective" so you can begin to see how LARGE it is!
Thanks Mr. Lewis for the ride to the game! Yes, jasmine is in the front seat on Rob's lap ;)
GOOOOOOO WHITE SOX! had a GREAT game today!! I was score keeper and first base coach. Rob was third base coach sometimes and back-up catcher other times.
Joshua said to me this day "you are SUCH a pretty girl!!" so he took my pic. We're in a handball court playing catch...technically it IS a hand ball right? ;)
which one of these critters has the most curious eyes?
That about sums it up! The photos are just awesome!!! What an adventure you are having...TRULY!!!
Really...REALLY enjoyed all of these pictures.
Jasmine looks less sure of this sand run then she did on her first one!! Great photo!! Made me smile:)
What an amazingly beautiful tree Joshua is sitting in with the HUGE leaves!!!
We are really enjoying the pictures and reading about your adventures!!! The yellow shirt you have on in the first several pictures looks great on you, WendyS! Take care of yourself and those sweeties ~ Mama to 3 Sweeties, H
Just wanted to say, I'm not sure what hasd me smiling more... Joshua saying howpretty you are or Jazzy's beautiful smile standing by those flowers.
:mrgreen: lolol!!!! smooches!!!!
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