Alo! First the "news" out of the way....HOORAY my mom's latest test came back good....radiation begins next Mon. Anyone wanna help drive, let me know, I'll give ya details and you can decide if it can work for you one day!
She has to go every day for 6.5 weeks. Her incisions are healing well and she has good range of motion!
Next news is that
I HAVE BASIL!! Thx for praying for me in the herb aisles...don't stop! ;)
Waleed brought me a BEAUTIFUL basil plant, I am **really** looking forward to homemade spaghetti sauce next week!! He says it's from his wife...I have a feeling maybe he showed her the tip Rob gave him...and sent him out to get me something ;)
This morning, our friends picked us up in a van....they have a driver. This was a homeschooling field trip to study rocks. What fun we had! I learned SO much! This particular dad did some studying up to tell us stuff...I brought Joshua's cool geology book (Thx gma and pa R!) and we learned a LOT of cool stuff!!
We started about half way back in, climbed up steep and then drove to the end (the drive in the bedrock river floor makes me envision wagon trains heading West in the US! my word it's rough!). The "end" was a GIIIIIIIIIIIIIANT waterfall. Dried up, yes...but AMAZING nonetheless! The carving that the water did was breathtaking! The walls seemed "burled" like large oak and maples. The bedrock itself gave you the impression it was moving....REALLY awesome!
Well, I hope you enjoy the photos! We had SO much fun! Best part is, another family from homeschool group last minute got to come, they met us there! So there's Jill, Gary and their daughter Elizabeth. Then Ei-Ei, Jay and their boys Sage and Kiden. We had SO much fun! Rob, I cannot wait to take you! We'll have to pay Ieman to wait for us tho ;) it's too rough to go back and forth..he'll have to wait..or join us! ha!
Our driver, Mohammed was really great! He did some climbs with us, he got onto this ledge and I got a shot of him. Also, Jay and Ei-Ei took some photos of me w/ the camera. I am trying to be intentional about getting myself photographed ;) The hat works GREAT! it pulls so far down over my ears, that the wind didn't steal it ;)
Mom, get a hat that ties underneat...JUST in case ;) and yes, I wore shorts again!
Last GREAT NEWS! I HAD ICE CREAM THAT TASTED LIKE ICE CREAM!! McDonald's, of all places! HA! ice cream with fudge mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!! took a photo of the delivery-peds parked outside...but with Jill's camera, so I'll save that for another day. Happy viewing!
Sadly enough, our day was so long, we missed church :( But we can hear the music from here! Also have to tell you that we saw about 30 some people having an Islamic service at the top of one of the cliffs- REALLY beautiful! The weather was 89 and soft cool breeze occasionally blew thru - for here, that's QUITE comfortable! But I wouldn't recommend riding in our elevator after we did for awhile..needs to air out.....
Oh oh! I found antique pottery! Jill is taking it to be cleaned, etc. She found a red agate!! Joshua found petrified wood! I hauled that home too.
a PRIME example of organic limestone - very cool!!
looking down from where we just climbed up....
"inside" the waterfall area itself.....
on top at the ledge with my geologist.....
inspecting a group of bugs - us adults informed the kids that was a pack of dung beetles...guess what they were working around in the cave? Eeeeew!
not so close to the edge please, Jasmine!!! eek!!
Very cool pics. Wish I could have been there!
Joshua, what's my only hammer doing out in the desert??
There's something I never though I have to ask :)
So cool! And homemade spaghetti sauce sounds really yummy. :)
AWESOME!!!! Sitting here soaking this all in. Love the lizard too! Oh and homemade spaghettie sauce...mmmmmm! Happy dance for ice cream! :)
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