A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tree Vs. Woman

So do you ever hear yourself think or say things like...

I feel so badly...

I think I got hit by a bus! I think I got hit by a Mack Truck! I got hit by a semi!

Well, I can now say that I feel so badly, I think I got hit by a palm tree!

I know, you're all thinking that spazzed out Wendy walked into a tree....

nothing of the such!!

A tree almost hit me! No joke!! Yes, I was walking..BUT SO WAS THE TREE! at a **much** faster speed than me....and it was a "head on" - wait, is that a head on? Well whatever....here's the story!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah....a respite to myself, of course thinking in Arabic and hearing English spoken in broken words and strong accents is not a real respite, but I went to the market by myself for meat and veggies / fruit. Of course I have to dodge traffic, be quicker than a squirrel and merge between lanes...but....it's becoming old hat....all the beeping, it's just the way it is, I dont really look! I know what direction it's from if it's intended to make me move, notify me of presence or if it's just cuz they all beep ;)

Today...lots of beeping, me walking "against" traffic because it swerves a bit and I like it on that side of the road better no matter which direction I'm walking ;)

And coming towards me is a big truck - I mean bigger than a pick up but not quite as big as a typical UPS delivery truck, it's open in the back, almost dump-truckish looking....I notice it not only because it's so big but I need to watch the big mirrors, right...well....then I notice people are honking back and there's strange banging/scraping noises...and I'm cofused, but I'm not between the vehicles...I'm OK....

then suddenly I realize



ok - so yeah yeah we've all seen trucks haul trees....GET EGYPTIAN AND THINK MAADI PEOPLE!

it was hauling it HORIZONTALLY PERPENDICULAR to the road (that's a big word, how'd I do Tanya, Betty and Sara S?) anywho.....you understand, right???

I had to duck and take the stroller DOWN with me.....it would've taken me out at the waist...thankfully they're doing 20 like everyone else on the busy road...so I had a lot of reaction time...

but goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you may be laughing, you may be horrified...I'll take the time to tell you that recently a road I walk that has no side walk...was redone in asphalt!

Oh the joy when I thought "the road will be so much smoother!"

You know, to be honest, the road **is** smoother....but you see, they don't chew it up, reuse and lay it down..they just keep laying it down...the DROP OFF (no slopes) to the small drives to the buildings is approx 2' (two feet) tall, the manholes - well ever hit something and said "MAN THEY NEED TO FIX THAT POTHOLE, I COULD'VE LOST A....small child...tire...etc.."

ok...they don't build up the manholes either





so..when I say if you hit it, you'd loose a VW or an entire man in it....you know I'm not exagerating, RIGHT?

Off to the Maadi House for the homeschooling play group! Thanks for laughing together this afternoon! So happy to go think and speak in English by Americans speaking English..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Even tho I don't drink alcohol, I almost feel at home when Miss J drinks it at 2 pm! LOLOLOL




HollyMarie said...

Oh my Wendy! That would have been quite the sight to see! LOL!

The Dickersons said...

While reading this I pictured you in an old silent, black & white comedy skit...I pictured you in fast motion (as they did back in the 1920's) and then cutting to a screen that read 'Oh Golly! A Tree!' Then you rolling about the road like Buster Keaton or The 3 Stooges!!!! Glad you're ok.....but I'm still laughing!!

Betty said...

I like what Melanie said... LOL!!!!

But I was thinking of "George of the Jungle"... remember that old cartoon? the song... "George, George, George of the Jungle, friend to you and me.... AAAAAAH.... watch out for that... TREE!!!!!"
rotflmbo!! REALLY! glad you weren't hit though ;) ... sleep well!!!!