I took the first two today, the others are Joshua's from the last few days.
Yes, this flower IS bigger than Jasmine's head, it is NOT the 'angle' - no worries, I'll photograph to show you how it opens - REALLY stunning and intriguing! This is the garden just outside our building main entrance.
The next photo reminded me of my childhood memories of laughter with my big brother.....us playing at my Grandma's house....this TOTALLY reminds me of Grandma's gardens! This is just outside the British Embassy's "club house" (like our sports club) - this is not even 2 blocks away, it is where we go for weekly playgroups (or hope to when kids cooperate and sidewalks stop jumping at us) with the homeschooling group here in Egypt.
Super Hero Sister......(this photo REALLY makes me laugh!)
Joshua and I never cease to be in "awe" over the archiecture here. I think what's more stunning..is to realize below it...is such poverty we could never imagine! Rob told us he drives by this every day to/from work w/ his work driver...and never notices it...so I love how Joshua brings such 'beauty' to our world!
Mango Jello - you can see what each child thought...VERY clearly HA! Joshua wants you all to know, it's better than no sweet snack at all, but he wouldn't ever want to bring it to America! ha!
One of the street families (I call them affectionately not disrespectfully, but to explain) who sell by the roadside, we buy from them often ;) Joshua said I needed to take this one - of course - lol
one of the guys at the grocery store who talks to the kids - I'm sure he is laughing it up...wondering what Joshua's mother thought when she got home and saw his picture! HA HA! boys will be boys...at EVERY age ;)
This is the most "popular" car here that's personally owned - whatever the b/w taxi's are seem to be the 2nd more typical car to see! LOL
these line the street where we typically shop, he likes these and the "delivery bikes" - those who are really lucky, have bikes - my guy carries the watercooler refill ON HIS SHOULDERS......but I tip him WELL ;)
a woman whom we purchased her dried/dyed stuff from - Joshua wanted her photo, she happily complied. This is just outside the post office, can't take photos of the post office - it's a gov't building :-) But I did manage to get EVERYTHING mailed that we've written/collect thus far this week.
he is constantly amazed by the "artistic way" of the Arabic written text - I love what his eyes see...and what his HEART enjoys!!
a trinket he wishes to purchase....
**Misc Notes**
this is the possibly non-kid friendly stuff ;)
Toilet Paper - yes it's sold here..and I think my sweet, tender Jasmine should do the commerical in a frilly dress and twirl and sweetly say
cuz seriously.....bounty paper towels in the US are more pleasant! So i guess I should update my toilet post previously...no we do NOT wipe...we just dab ;)
Rob's flying to Syria tomorrow. Let that sink in a minute....ah...there we go ;)
Won't be any sight seeing ;)
He has one day off this week.
I'm really getting just more acclimated to the weather and the food and the "I'll never be clean again" feeling ;) But I **cannot** wear sandals here....the thought of the caked on ooze just makes me cringe! LOL
Hey, speaking of clubs earlier.....did I tell you that the glorified park we go to (Maadi Sports Club) is the oldest and most famous club in all of Egypt! It is the hottest place to film movies, etc....
why just the other day they were filming...and almost had some idiotic white chic and her two children walk on stage...
of course the man yells
I'm never really sure when they yell this at me if I should crawl in a hole or laugh my butt off
I am sorry, truly...but..
Well, Rob dropped my largest glass dish full of beef stew on the marble floor....it's gonna be a busy night....he's leaving again at 6 tomorrow...so we've got a lot to do before he can pack and hit the sack!
Nighty night, all!
Joshua.....absolutely breathtaking pictures buddy!!!! We have a friend that wants to take her daughter to Egypt so hope it's ok I print some of them for her to see what it like? ;)
Just wait...a few more months of that rough TP and you'll be begging to use one of those 'butt showers'!!! Hahahaha!!!
Enjoyed seeing your world through Joshua's eyes!! :)
Joshua you are a good observer, and a good photographer, thanks for sharing with us back here in the states!
Wendy if the TP gets to be too much you can always buy some of that wonderful soft material...wipe and wash:) Just like before dispos. diapers!
Wendy, we got your package today at Excel. What fun to hear from you, and see the treasures you've found. We've passed on some of the gifts, and will share your communications as well.
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