A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Pharaonic Village Pics - Islam Museum & Misc Interesting Stuff

**computer died a couple days ago - will take me a bit to update more photos from the village- but I'll get there**

again, at the Cairo Museum we'll see the original but HERE, we got a history lesson!!

This is the ORIGINAL Rosetta Stone! :-)

There are 3 languages. At the time it was discovered, Greek was quite easily read...the language at the bottom...above are 2 ancient Egyptian languages that, until this point, had never been deciphered! COOL! that's the short of our lecture BUT I LOVED EVERY MINUTE! :-) Joshua and Rob too!

the seat was Rob and I in a traditional wedding chair together. :-)
The boat is a small scale of Khufu's final journey boat (Khufu is buried in the largest pyramid at Giza). We also saw and heard theories of how the pyramids were build. Very interesting!! I also did not realize that the inside of pyramids are not open...but rather fully made, it's not just walls. There is a maze within that lead to false doors, etc and eventually the tomb which had 2-4 chambers.

The money is from the kingdom periods. Now Egypt is a Republic. Their first president had a larger funeral than Princess Diana!! The "white" model is of Mecca in Saudi Arabi just across the red seat. The darker mosque model is of Mohammed Ali Mosque which you saw a glimpse of in real life earlier. We will visit this mosque sometime and photograph from the outside. Quite amazing architecture!!!

The writing is Egyptian writing for different names of God. Most Majestic was my favorite, lovely inscriptions for our Holy, Perfect God indeed!!

The box is from Tut's tomb - his organs weren't in there tho it had been untouched!

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