A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rated WWW




Three words to sum up the last 3+ weeks of homeschooling. What does that have to do with Egypt? Well, if we wouldn't have come....I wouldn't be homeschooling! so, you're stuck listening...nope, actually you could just click away now, no cool pics or anything ;)

Wilted - without enough respite from chugging along all day doing their job without a break from the sun or water to refresh them....plants tend to get wilted.

Worried - a large step way beyond concern, into trying to control things I cannot control, so I just waste time fretting that no matter what experiences I expose my homeschooled child to, he just doesn't chose to give it his all (unless it's playing with his pals)

Weepy - As I physically bend in a wilt and have a drawn face from worry, I find myself holed up too often in the bathroom weeping......weeping because I'm wilted and have no way to refresh, weeping because I'm worried my son will never succeed as an adult because of his lack of motivation, focus and general respect.

What brings me out of the bathroom? What gets me up in the morning? Knowing each day won't make a difference? Is the knowledge that I have to keep trying to make a difference....I am only responsible for myself and my own actions, not the indifferent daily responses I receive.

Would I recommend homeschooling? SURE! my daughter is a PRIME candiate for homeschooling!! I think most people would enjoy homeschooling for a year or so....and those of you that keep doing it with a child like my eldest....

I bow before you!!


the most difficult part of homeschooling, for me, I've come to realize is that when school is done, he's raring to go and play with me and interract but after the abuse I've had for the last 4-5 hours, I have absolutely no interest in engaging him at all....

So, there's no real point to this except for those curious to know how it's going.....I do enjoy the learning and the teaching and seeing more lightbulbs come on, but.....I am positive that I will be a much better mother when I am not having the life sucked out of me 24/7. Am I giving up? Nope! Am I regretful? Nope! But I am a big enough woman to know when enough is enough..and it's time to change the course of a sinking ship!

So even tho my kids will learn to spell like "practise" and will say things like "jolly good"

Jan 9th, I'll be waiting first in line with enrollment papers for the British school......if selected, I will officially decline my position as homeschool mom in August of 2011.

I have an even higher respect for dad's who work all day and come home to relieve their wives than ever before!!! YOU GO DAD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for switching gears and giving young mom's the respite they need to be the best they can be!! I hope you feel appreciated!

Well thanks for listening! I'll take my whining elsewhere now ;)


HollyMarie said...

Oh Wendy, I fear I would be in your same sinking ship if I tried to homeschool my eldest. The difference is that you had to try, and I don't have to. Sorry friend!!!! Hang in there and I'll say a prayer that God gives you exactly what you need each day until you can hang up your homeschooling hat.

Steph P said...

It takes wisdom to know when to get off the ship, and strength to actually do it before you are 20ft. under and not breathing! Praying for you and would be in the same boat I fear. I've always loved the positive things about homeschooling, but don't think it's for me. So far(thankfully) God has not called me there!

Anonymous said...

Aww Wendy, I am sorry you're having a tough time. I will be praying for you and that Joshua gets into the school. I sometimes am snippy with my "at-home" kids at night because I've done the discipline and behavior stuff ALL DAY with my "at-school" kids so I know how it feels to not have that well needed respite. :(
