A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Class Notes

Our teacher, Mohamed

Class photo - Dina (British), Camilla (Danish), Pamela (Zambian), Ade (Nigerian), me, Alia (Indonesian) We are missing Gordana (S African, but she missed this day because they were in the US getting their citizenship), Ingrid (Norway), Julie (Nigeria).

Me and my wonderful, amazing pal - We are like two peas in a pod!! A little scatter brained, completely goofy, love the Lord. I am so excited for her kids to be out of school so we can all play!!

Today, I had 4 ladies over to practice, we had a GREAT practice session! Ade was here as well as Camilla from Denmark, Fiona from Australia. Pamela has a sick boy so she couldn't come. We enjoyed some freshly picked, ground coffee from Tanzania. Mmmmm!! First coffee I've ever enjoyed black and w/o sugar! REALLY beautiful smell and taste! Mmmmm!! Fiona honeymooned there in Jan.

I'm sorry they are small, they are from an email from someone else's camera! The class pics were taken our last day last week Tues. We'll meet to study next Wed together again.

WOO HOO! HAPPY GRADUATION, JASMINE! Jasmine's class had a little celebration today! Some of the kids had grad caps to go onto Kindergarten. Others had crowns on because they are leaving the country permanently. The rest are celebrating a year completed together and taking time to sing in Arabic and English.
My dear friend Amy and her son Caleb. Our boys are buds!

no matter what country you're in...you'll do **anything** to get a good smiling pic of your kid! HA! Amy was cracking me up! Gotta love her! Her and my classmate - we always sway the same way ;)

you may wonder..where's the big grassy play area for the kids?

In Egypt - THIS is a REALLY nice outside play area! NO JOKE! :) One reason we love the school! :)

The serious boy sitting by Jasmine in the blue shirt is another friend's son, Micah. They are returning to the US in about 14 days. They will not return. They actually broke their contract here 1 yr early to leave the country. They were in Yemmen before here....this country is really....a....an...adventure....bless their hearts!

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