A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Food Bags - Helwan - 163!!

Helwan is a very poor community not too far from here. As a matter of fact, some of my photos of the city have "Helwan police" in the background. It is that close and is almost part of this city now. The last 3 groups of bags (including today) have been going to Helwan. Your prayers are over the people of Helwan...where our gracious and merciful God pours out in the form of food....we pray that as the people fill their tummies, they would also be filled with an inexplicable warmth, joy and fulfillment!!

When you are praying for us, you are part of this! When you are encouraging us, you are a part of this! I do believe these simple definitions make too small of how I feel of the glory of God, but I am limited to only language here,so it'll have to do! But to close my eyes....and feel His glory............even a photo couldn't speak the words!

This...this is God moving, giving a testimony to Himself! Showing His presence and showering His creation! This is not me nor my doing and I hope none of my simple words or photos display the contrary....


Now...for you to enjoy what God has done among us here and you there today....130 food bags for Helwan!

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