A story of a family from Michigan, USA who traveled to Egypt for work.....served, laughed, loved....thrived thru the Egyptian Revolution....and then returned to Michigan after the job ended abruptly due to economic conditions.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Fringes - that's the Australian word for bangs. I like that. Fringes. I mean what "are" bangs? Because that's the part of the head where mothers bang when they have sons who ride scooters into traffic? Perhaps I do have bangs then and not fringe!

Fringe Benefits of living in a society where hard work does happen...but play and relaxation is a vital part of life! America could learn from this! Fringe benefits here...Rob playing tennis in the cool of the morning with our friend Jonathan. (90 at 8:30)

Fringe also makes me think of silver lining.....after being in a place where the sun just bears down on us entirely...I begin to wonder why I grew up detesting clouds. I believe I've gone from one extreme to another! Most days, I don't care if the clouds had lining or not...I just WANT clouds! Did you ever have chance to notice that the sky is more vivid and striking when there are some clouds to give contrast?

I think we need clouds in our lives to give contrast to help us really see what is good, what is right and who we are vs who we should be! As well as who we once were vs who we are now!!

Soaking in the Son,

1 comment:

anne said...

Great post! I like this!