Anyway - it appears everything here is color coded as well - so while it looks like a prison break at the grocery story, it's actually friendly Egytian men waiting to help you out of the store...and while it may look like a batch of tomatoes escaped a local factory early in the morning, it's actually the garbage crews. I saw 5 men in red jumpsuits loading garbage by the PILES onto the back of a "wagon" pulled by a mule this morning. So, made me wonder...are we inside a naval carrier? tee hee! Neat cultural observation and VERY helpful! Don't you ever wonder at the store ifsomeone's there to help? on duty then or off? well it's clear as a bell here!!!
ALL 3 OF US SLEPT LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jasmine for 13 hrs, Joshua and I for 10 STRAGHT hours!! FINALLY! real sleep! Joshua slept with me, I figured why let him panic...I told him he can sleep until we fix one of his window coverings ;) I think this way he has a time frame...and last night, NOT ONE noise woke him :-) PLUS when we get the window coverings fixed, he'll aso have his own air purifier of white noise RIGHT inside his room ;)
We walked a few blocks to CSA - this is a place for expats to find support and misc resources. I am currently trying to work out getting a babysitter so that I can take Arabic classes two mornings/week.
Today, the Chinese expats put on a Lunar New Year Party! We watched a man make noodles - from a wad of dough, to flipping ropes to VOILA! lowmein noodles!
I have to say, I like how in Egypt...jasmine is an American ;) Even to the Chinese :-)
any of my Chinese-American transracial families ever play this? ineresting to watch! Th
But, before THAT...Betty said something that made me think I should take this photo :-) Here is our dining room. It "connects" to the living room w/ the red accent wall. Those are fresh flowers Rob left for me. From that "angle" you cannot see me holding the camera about tummy height ;) you can see "me" and where I'm sitting when we "chat", my friends! And no matter how old we are, it's good for momma's to see their babies are smiling and well - see momma?! :-) you can cry..eeez OK in Cairo ;)
I added 4 things to the table for you to see. The butter, some apple juice, Egyptian-style yogurt (YUUUUMMY) and drinking water. Also you can see I'm not fully organized, but I'm SO close. The cabinet is where I keep the medical supplies and the schooling stuff :-) Joshua's the only one w/ tummy troubles...after a charcoal pill every morning, he's fine! :-)
Yrene surprised us and showed up today! what a treat! She went looking for us, as we were not home ;) We saw Wy-el and he saw us. I cannot tell you what it means to see a recognized face, even if we cannot call each other friend ;) lol While waiting for him to move something to load the jogging stroller, I was pointing at something so the guard looked that way then a photo - see...we're safe - but boy they freak me out! When we are with Wy-el, they wave and nod. not sure of this meaning? They realize he is a "servant" not sure what it all means? is the guy across from the yellow chair attached to a cement-type wall where we must turn R - ha! got all that?
Wy-el took us to Shayda Tessa (street nine) to show me how to get what I need on my own or what to tell a taxi driver. He says I'm so very American (I think he means white? lol) that I will always be ok when sun is out :-) No doubt, we stopped traffic to get out somewhere, took awhile...they're beeping and he tells me to get out, I do and they stop - lol.
Shayda Tessa is where I will find Radio Shack, so I'll either take a taxi or walk w/ Rob. AND TRULY IT SAYS RDIO SHACK, I'LL SHOW YOU!! :-) I found many "markets" for fresh fruis/veggies. Without a taxi, I cannot get to the 'garden markets'. It is probably a 20 min walk, but that's more like a stroll ;)
We visited the Maadi Community School (British based Expat Christian school, got that? lol) We met the principal who is from S Africa. His accent was BEAUTIFUL! very difficult to pic up on quickly, but BEAUTIFUL! We met the admissions lady who said it looks more likely to get into 3rd grade but no promises. 3 kids would have to leave and he'd be next. I can walk from home, so it's perfect. There was a guard out front GOOD DEAL! high HIGH walls outside, etc. We saw examples of the children's studies, etc. Lots of whte and Asian children. Sounded like European accents mostly. The Asianchildren seemed to have clearer English ;) Here's the kids playing while Yrene and I did some talking. Wy-l was driving around baby Joseph who was asleep - lol. this cracks me up!
Yrene takes donations and spends time at a Spanish Nursing Home. I don't know what else to call it? It is operated by 2 Spanish nuns (I man 2 women from Spain who are nuns, I'm being asblunt as possible just for picture sake, not to be crass or non-politically correct, ya know! ;) )
They speak Spanish and a little the nuns translated from the men, then yrene translated from the nuns to me! lol They are secular nuns, this was explained to me lest I wonder why no "head covering" - Idid not know this, maybe it's all Catholocism, maybe only in Spain....a secular nun serves the nonbelievers and so they dress more like poverty instead of the official wear. Just sayin how it was said to me :-)
I think I counted 15 elderly men there. The facility was VERY clean! Upstairs, they are starting an orphanage....the kids and I are going to go back in a month or so, see how far it's come, what helpers they have. If they do not have enougha dults, they cannot take in the children. Right now, no children can sleep there until adults stay with them, but at least they could eat one healthy meal and be safe, maybe learn to write and read.
Anywho - please pray! For the people there, for where God would have us to serve. One nun is ready for us to come one full day, if we did that, the children could eat 2 meals that day :-) one day a week with 2 meals sounds sad as an American, but it's all they'd get..and if you wonder what children...
perhaps it's the 3 boys (biggest size of Joshua) who were alongside cats and wild dogs rummaging and eating in the HUGE piles of garbage outside :-(
Tho I do not know Arabic, I can cook and I can love and the kids can play. The inside is VERY clean - immaculate! THIS IS ME TALKING! lol and there's no way to get to the orphanage area w/o going thru a secure area ;) Please pause to pray for these 2 nuns. They reminded me why we could just leave our house and give it to help someone! really wow is an understatement! just an interesting building across the shayda (street)
Joshua checking out rocks, standing next to Lewis' suv. and just outside the nursing home/soon orphanage too.
Last photo is of the elevator. Of cousre it's only 4 flights, so we take the stairs BUT it's impossible w/ the stroller - may try, it might be easier tho than THIS!
try to understand, I'm as far into the "hall" as I can be to get this photo. The elevator is THAT smal and there is NO elevator door! I mean..there is a door from the floor TO the elevator...but not another from the elevator out, catch my drift? USUALLY THE'S 2 SETS OF DOORS....warnings of NOT touching or pushing whle we go by the doors and get the idea! :-)
best news for last
WE WENT TO THE NILE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was SURREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
couldn't get out due to the baby and I have no pounds (money) and Jasmine had a bad nose bleed so not even photos. Jasmine and I ride in the front w/ Wy-el. REALLY is MUCH wider than I envisioned? hmm..just curious! :-)
bye...but just for now! WE HAVE HIGH SPEED INTERNET NOW! WOO HOO! just an hour ago or so! :-) blogging is much faster (tho I still do while the kids nap) and emailing should be easier as well as visiting my lake friends! facebook has been a bear but hopefully can catch up there..I will never catch up, who am I kidding? I'll just jump in and run alongide from where you are now ;)
thx for having that much grace for me!
What a fun day! Are they playing "mah-jong"?? (sp???) Looks like a game that is on our computer with tiles that you match up! How neat you got to still celebrate Lunar NY! :) Love seeing you all out and about and enjoying yourselves! :)
We love mah-jong! Dan's parents have had a set for years. So glad to hear that you're all sleeping and venturing out. Praying for a wonderful family time, re-connecting and exploring.
Big praises for good sleeps! That's HUGE!!! And the NILE...WOW! :) Looks like an awesome day! Praying for lots of happy times with your sweetie. :)
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